Product News

Stages and requirements for the release of Bitget TraderPro program funds

We sincerely appreciate your active participation and continued support for the Bitget TraderPro program! Kindly note that the funding for the Bitget TraderPro program will be conducted in stages upon meeting specific requirements, with a total fund allocation of 10,000 USDT. Before obtaining your dedicated elite trader account, you must complete identity verification of your main account. Thank you for your interest and support in making the Bitget TraderPro program a success. Let's work together to create a fairer trading environment full of opportunities!

Stages and requirements for the release of Bitget TraderPro program funds image 0

Total funds after completing Phase 1: 2000 USDT

Total funds after completing Phase 2: 4000 USDT

Total funds after completing Phase 3: 7000 USDT

Total funds after completing Phase 4: 10,000 USDT

The detailed requirements for each phase are as follows:

Phase 1

1. Initial elite trade funds: 1000 USDT

2. Probation period: 14 days

3. Requirements:

a. Elite trade performance:

  • Number of followers ≥ 10
  • The ROI for all periods must not be lower than 20%
  • The account's net asset value must be higher than the previous day for at least 10 days

b. Social media performance: Attract at least 10 new users and have 1 valid futures copy trade through any of the following methods:

  • Post videos/text with images, with the Bitget TraderPro hashtag, to direct traffic to your elite trader profile page and reach at least 100 views
  • Check in at least 10 times within a 2-week period on Bitget's official X (Twitter) account and like/retweet/comment on TradePro program related tweets to direct traffic to your elite trader profile pag

4. After the probation period, you will receive an additional 1000 USDT in elite trading funds.

Phase 2

1. Initial elite trade funds: 2000 USDT

2. Probation period: 21 days

3. Requirements:

a. Elite trade performance:

  • Number of followers: ≥ 50. Positive follower profit for 30 days
  • Risk management: Maximum drawdown should not exceed 10%
  • The ROI for all periods must not be lower than 50%
  • The account's net asset value must be higher than the previous day for at least 15 days

b. Social media performance: Share your trading experience and knowledge in any of the following formats, attracting at least 20 new users, and have 1 valid futures copy trade:

  • Video: Create and share at least 1 video about your trading strategies or market analysis, with the Bitget TraderPro hashtag, and reach at least 100 views
  • Article: Write and publish at least 2 articles on trading strategies or market analysis, with the Bitget TraderPro hashtag, and reach at least 200 views
  • Graphic/text posting: Share details about your latest trading performance and get at least 400 views (TraderPro-related hashtag is required)
  • Live streaming event: Conduct at least 1 live streaming session featuring the Bitget TraderPro hashtag and engage with at least 50 viewers
  • Interview with Bitget: Participate in an interview conducted by the Bitget team, and the recorded video clip will be published on the official Bitget social media account
  • Personalized options:Elite traders will receive tailored tasks based on their expertise and interests, such as creating a trading course or sharing real-time trading insights

4. After the probation period, you will receive an additional 2000 USDT in elite trading funds.

5. Note: Phase 2 is reserved for users who maintain an active live trading account during this phase.

Phase 3

1. Probation period: 28 days

2. Requirements:

a. Elite trade performance:

  • Total number of followers: ≥ 200. Positive follower profit for 30 days
  • Risk management: Maximum drawdown should not exceed 15%
  • The ROI for all periods must not be lower than 10%
  • The account's net asset value must be higher than the previous day for at least 20 days

b. Social media performance: Attract at least 30 new users and have 1 valid futures copy trade:

  • Post videos/text with images, with the Bitget TraderPro hashtag, to direct traffic to your elite trader profile page and reach at least 1000 likes or saves
  • Establish a private community with at least 50 members

3. After the probation period, you will receive an additional 3000 USDT in elite trading funds.

4. Note: Phase 3 is reserved for users who still hold a live trading account during this phase.

Phase 4

1. Probation period: 14 days

2. Requirements:

a. Elite trade performance:

  • Number of followers ≥ 300. Positive total follower profit for 30 days
  • Maintain a consistently positive total profit, with the cumulative amount reaching $18,000

b. Social media performance: Attract at least 30 new users and have 1 valid futures copy trade:

  • Conduct at least one live streaming session explaining your trading strategies or interactive themes related to trading, featuring the Bitget TraderPro hashtag, and engage with a minimum of 500 viewers
  • Grow your private community to at least 100 members and start using the exclusive community tools

3. After the probationary period, you will receive an additional 3000 USDT in elite trading funds, bringing your total elite trading funds to 10,000 USDT.

Terms and conditions

1. Users first: We always adhere to a user-oriented approach to ensure that the Bitget TraderPro program provides quality services while protecting the interests of users. We encourage active participation while requiring honesty and integrity.

2. Legitimate transactions: All users participating in the Bitget TraderPro program must comply with all of Bitget's terms and conditions. We prohibit any form of improper behavior, including but not limited to malicious activities, improper matched orders, and wash trading.

3. Risk control: If a user's behavior triggers our risk control mechanism, Bitget reserves the right to take action against the account and funds involved at our sole discretion, including but not limited to suspending the account, withholding the funds, and disqualifying the user.

4. Adjustment and modification: Bitget reserves the right to adjust the program, modify the terms and conditions, or cancel the program at any time without notice. Bitget will publish an announcement to clarify any changes.

5. Special circumstances: In the event of any special circumstances, including but not limited to abnormal market volatility, system failures, and changes in laws and regulations, Bitget will take appropriate measures according to the actual situation in order to protect the interests of the platform and all users.

6. Final interpretation: Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the Bitget TraderPro program. We will ensure that all decisions are fair, reasonable, and in accordance with laws and regulations.

Bitget support and guidance

Throughout the fund distribution period, Bitget will continue to monitor your live trading performance and provide feedback, providing you with full support and guidance.

1. Resource: Bitget is committed to providing essential content creation guides and tools to assist elite traders in producing high-quality content.

2. Online training: Elite traders will have access to online seminars or training sessions, guiding them on effective social media marketing and content creation strategies.

3. Community building: Bitget encourages elite traders to participate in specialized communities, fostering communication and mutual assistance by sharing experiences and trading strategies. Outstanding content, including videos, articles, and webinars, will be provided as a reference.

4. Regular adjustments: Bitget will actively collect feedback from elite traders, making necessary adjustments to the program to ensure its effectiveness.

5. Additional Incentives: Beyond funding rewards, high-performing elite traders will have access to extra incentives such as professional development opportunities and special recognitions.